Certified i-Limb Practitioners
These myoelectric hands offer dexterity and movement that has never been possible with artificial hands. The practitioners at HiTek Limb & Brace, formerly known as Mid-MO O&P and Advanced O&P custom fit the user with upper body limb loss with these devices at whatever the level of limb loss the user has experienced.

C-Leg Specialists
HiTek Limb & Brace practitioners are experienced in fitting the state-of-the-art Otto Bock C-Leg for above-knee limb loss. These microprocessor-controlled limbs combine the latest in technology combined with the ease of wear to give the wearer the most comfort, natural walk and movement possible. Our Prosthetists are Certified by Otto Bock to provide this service.

Star Band Cranial Remolding
HiTek Limb & Brace provides the most up to date cranial remolding techniques by utilizing the Star Scanner system by Orthomerica. Our Orthotists are Certified by Orthomerica to provide this service and fully comply with all FDA regulations.